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blues du jour


one ought, every day at least, to compose a fine piece of 'blues' ~jonnie purple

111225 “cunning ham”

silentium Posted on 2011-12-25 21:50:18

i guess this is my rendition of a christmas carol. dedicated to all our pigs&porks being digested around this time of the year.

111224 “fierce solipsists”

silentium Posted on 2011-12-25 21:46:21

and a merry christmas yes?!

111222 “carnationed rifles”

silentium Posted on 2011-12-25 21:42:40


a rare event in human history, an army pulling off a peaceful coup d’état. lisboa april 25th 1974. i always had a flare for the portuguese..

111210 “Alfie”

with sound Posted on 2011-12-25 21:40:41

the date for the big nobel prize party over at the city hall. alfred made a fortune on explosives, hence the sudden burst in bar four. this is just a quick&crude iPhone recording, i should replace it later on.

WriteFlash(' ‘);

111202 “feet first”

silentium Posted on 2011-12-25 21:39:45

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silentium Posted on 2011-12-25 21:39:17

.: test :.