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blues du jour


one ought, every day at least, to compose a fine piece of 'blues' ~jonnie purple

110623 “ms jump-a-lot”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-23 23:46:46

being up north with friends and my god daughter celebrating midsummer. taking a break from updates for a little while. the photo shows tora after a day on the trampoline..

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110621 “party pole”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-21 11:40:51

this one starts with a melody i made for my dad’s birthday in november, “fest polska”, then evolves into a six bar blues theme.


110620 “Mochino”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-20 19:34:39

to inge and muimui, who lost their long time friend mochino this weekend.

110619 “see ‘n mamba”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-19 23:02:48

it´s been a long gray rainy day i stockholm, perfect for sitting in my snug place going through some photos from my trip to south africa in january. here´s something from my visit to piketberg and the lovely delmotte family.

anthea sang some samples of afrikaans folklore, for instance the gruesome story of siembamba who, i´m not sure, went astray and got into serious trouble.. that melody was the starting point for this piece.

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110618 “shot by cato”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-18 23:59:36

wednesday night i had an encounter with cato the photographer. nothing too serious, only a flesh wound.


110617 “re-fir”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-17 23:58:05

i owe this bass line to the cats in NO (pinetop smith, the Dr). trying to do a boogie not so intense. is this a contradiction in terms?


110616 “chilled red”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-17 00:05:38

my friend johan prefer his red ones french ‘n chilled


110614 “take things lightly (angels do)”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-14 22:00:59

this one is dedicated to my brother virgil in göteborg.


actually, i think it is themselves the angels take lightly. in any case, they fly.

110613 “gazebo”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-13 23:42:34

close to where i live you find vita bergen, a park on a hill with an amphitheatre and a small gazebo overlooking the stage where we had a jam this evening with some home made instruments. i made a guerilla recording, just trying to figure out how to turn it into ‘blues’..


110612 “the mole digs again”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-12 16:31:26

way to go mr mole

press ‘info’ to the right of the sound file for a glimpse of mr mole

110610 “distractus”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-10 23:56:27

there´s just so many attention drawing things in the world


110609 “Ayo Kelly”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-09 23:56:58

to the one and only.


110608 “madagaskar”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-08 16:16:44

i read that over the last 11 years 600 new species have been found on madagaskar even though only 10% remains of the original rainforest. because of this most of them are endangered. imagine how many species were extinct before they were even discovered. and today greenpeace is directing a campaign against mattel for having barbie wrapped up in paper delivered by a company heavily involved in cutting down rainforests. please do what you can to support the living space for this guy:


110606 “the intra nationale”

with sound Posted on 2011-06-06 08:37:50

another beauteous pre-summer day in stklm. supposedly our national day, celebrated in commemoration of gustav vasa elected king in 1523. influential sovereign. funky hair cut.

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pic-nic recording at beckholmen.

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